Thank you for visiting our website. On behalf of the staff team, children, parents and governors can I warmly welcome you to Springbank Academy. Enjoy browsing our school website as we hope to give you a flavour of all we do.
Our school provides an excellent platform for the high quality of education and standards we are aiming for. Over the next few years our dream is to extend and enrich these facilities in the outside learning environment so we can deliver an exceptional curriculum and provide a bright future for every one of our children.
The staff team and governors are totally committed to the safety of our children and strive hard everyday to provide outstanding care.
The Senior Leadership Team and governors have pledged to always go “that extra mile” for every individual child and we firmly believe this ethos will set them off on the road to success for their future life. We will always make it our mission to know every single child in-depth and by understanding their uniqueness we can ensure they get the best education. At Springbank we feel there are no barriers to learning whilst ever we continue to look for every individual child’s personalised “key to learning.”
I hope this website is useful to all who view and we look forward to its future development as part of the White Hills Park Trust.
If I can help in any other way please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always here to help.
Mr Adam Lumley
Head Teacher

Mr Lumley
Head Teacher

Mrs Garrett
Director of Teaching and Learning

Mrs James
Assistant Head Teacher

Mrs Williams
Assistant Head Teacher

Mrs Clarke
Year 6 Teacher

Miss Leonard
Year 2 Teacher

Miss Beeching
Nursery Teacher

Miss Walters
Reception Teacher

Miss Underwood
Year 1 Teacher

Mr Waller
Year 6 Teacher

Miss Keetch
Class Teacher

Mrs Salloway
Music Specialist Teacher

Miss Dunn
Year 4 Teacher, Reading Lead

Mr Cannon
Sports Coach