As part of our statutory duty please be aware that referrals will be made about any suspected abuse or neglect.
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of your child, or a child you know, your should act without delay.
You can ask for advice, or report your concern to:
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) | Tel: 0300 500 8090
Notts Out-of-hours Emergency Duty Team | Tel: 0300 4564546
Police | Tel: 01623 420999
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – Tel: 0808 800 5000
Our Designated Leads for safeguarding are:
Adam Lumley, Head Teacher
Kerry Williams, Assistant Head Teacher
Dawn Wigley, Safeguarding Officer
Lee Aubrey, Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator and PSHE lead.
Our Designated Teachers for Looked After Children are Caroline James and Marie Shaw
Our Governor for safeguarding is Michael Bradley, he is responsible for ensuring the school discharges its duties in relation to safeguarding appropriately.
Our Health and Safety Team:
Adam Lumley - Day to day management of school
Kerry Williams - Staff Welfare, Risk assessment, Health and Safety Representative
Sara Dunn - Link Governor
Tracy Oldham - Day to day management of Health and Safety
Keeping Children Safe Online
Police are urging parents to make sure they know who their children are talking to online.
What you can do to keep your child safe:
SET PARENTAL SETTINGS: These are designed to control what a child can view, not what they can send so police are asking parents to be extra vigilant.
PRIVACY SETTINGS: These restrict who can see what is being posted by your child.
Share Aware
To kids, online life is real life. And, just like in real life, kids need help to stay safe online.
Share Aware is an NSPCC and O2 campaign to help parents have regular and informed conversations with their child about online safety. We're aiming to get every family in the UK chatting about their kids' online world, just like they would about their day at school.
We tell children that’s it’s good to share, but online it’s different and sometimes it can be dangerous. Through our straight-forward, step-by-step advice and Icebreaker email series, we’ll show parents how to untangle the web and teach children how to make the right decisions online, even when parents aren’t there.
Our new TV ad – Safety advice from a 10 year old.
Icebreakers email series – We’ve teamed up with O2 to create a bespoke email series full of tips and information on different issues eg cyberbullying and inappropriate content, with activities parents can complete with their child.
Mumsnet partnership– Join our Twitter Q&A at 12.30pm on 16th May using #ShareAware, alongside a Mumsnet Facebook live.
Share Aware homepage - Read our step-by-step guide to being Share Aware and our TEAM (Talk, Explore, Manage, Agree) framework on how to stay safe online in four simple steps.
Net Aware- Our guide to the most popular social networks sites, apps and games that children use. New sites site such as, Kiwi and Pokemon Gohave been added this year, along with a breaking news page and top tips from O2 Gurus both iOS and Android.
Teaching resources – Download Share Aware teaching resources for use in the classroom.
Specialised advice - Advisors at our O2 & NSPCC Online Safety Helpline – 0808 800 5002 – are here to help with any questions, or anyone can make an appointment with a Guru in store.
More Safeguarding Resources
Click on the links below for more safeguarding information
Live my digital - a unique video series to help parents help their children to stay safe online
Parentzone | The 6 apps and services that every parent should know about
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Protecting Your Child From Abuse at School - Your Schools Role
Female Genital Mutilation: Guidelines to Protect Children and Women
Think child, think parent, think family: a guide to parental mental health and child welfare
Online Publications and Guidance
Home Office | Mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation: procedural information
A mandatory reporting duty for FGM requires regulated health and social care professionals and teachers in England and Wales to report known cases of FGM in under 18-year-olds to the police
Department for Education | Keeping children safe in education
This guidance applies to all schools and is for headteachers, teachers and staff, governing bodies, proprietors and management committees.
Department for Education | Searching, screening and confiscation at school
Guidance explaining the powers schools have to screen and search pupils, and to confiscate items they find.
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership | Resources for Parents and Carers
There may be times, as a parent or carer, when you need help, advice or information when caring for your child. This page provides links to sites where you can access information and get advice on a number of subjects. It also gives advice for when children's social care, the police or the NSPCC are involved with your family.
Department for Education | Protecting children from radicalisation: the prevent duty
Guidance for schools and childcare providers on preventing children and young people from being drawn into terrorism.
UK Council for Internet Safety | Child Safety Online: A practical guide for parents and carers
Help your children to understand what the risks associated with using social media are.
Nottinghamshire County Council | Pathway to Provision
The Pathway to Provision [PDF] sets out guidance for practitioners in identifying a child, young person and/ or family's level of need, and referral pathways to the most appropriate service to provide support.
School Policies
Our policies relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection can be seen below. These are reviewed anually during the Autumn Term by our staff and Local Governing Body. For other school policies, please see our Policies page.