Governor Vacancies at Florence Nightingale Academy and Springbank Academy
We currently have vacant positions on our governing body for at least three people from our local community or beyond who are passionate about promoting high standards in education. The governing body oversees both Florence Nightingale Academy and Springbank Academy. Both primary schools are in the heart of Eastwood and are part of White Hills Park Trust.
Applications are open to everyone however we are keen to increase the skill set of the local governing body, and would encourage anyone with a specialism or interest in the following areas to apply:
- supporting disadvantaged children
- safeguarding
- finance
- health and safety.
Governing is a highly rewarding role that offers both professional and personal development, as well as the chance to make a difference to the life chances of local children. You will have the opportunity to develop skills in leadership, chairing, recruitment, strategic planning, budget control and data analysis.
As a governor, you will play a key role in shaping the strategic direction of the schools and ensuring strong outcomes for pupils.
Governors have three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Who can be a governor?
No special qualifications are needed. Most importantly, we are looking for individuals who can offer commitment, integrity and a keen interest in supporting these schools. You do not need to be an educational “expert” to be a governor. Training is available for all governors.
Who cannot be a governor?
The document accessed via the link below summarises the circumstances under which someone cannot serve as a governor:
The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012
How much time will it take up?
Governors are expected to attend three full board meetings a year, as well as committee meetings. In addition, governors are expected to visit school once a term and write up a short report for the full governing board. Governors typically complete between five and ten hours of training / CPD a year. A governor’s term lasts four years so you have time to grow in your role and make a real difference.
How can I apply?
If you would like to apply, if you would like to chat informally about being a governor, or to find out about vacancies in other schools across the Trust, please contact Susanna Atassi, Trust Governance Manager, by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..