News and Notices

newsletter1 Did you know we publish a weekly Newsletter? newsletter2

The White Hills Park Trust publish a Newsletter every Friday afternoon during term time for all their academies, featuring news, pictures and information from the week at Springbank, and an article from the WHP Trust’s CEO Dr Heery.


Dear Parents/Carers

We are excited to announce all the details for our Sports Day on Friday 28th June 2024. This event is always extremely popular amongst our children and a highlight of summer term 2 each year. We look forward to welcoming all parents/carers to school who can join us to support and cheer on the children participating in Potted Sports (AM) and their Competitive Races (PM).

All children to come to school in their PLAIN white and black PE kit with trainers please.

The weather forecast is predicting amazing weather for us next week therefore please make sure that your child has had sun cream applied before the start of school and to bring a labelled sun cream bottle to school for them to reapply if required. Sun hats please and water bottles. There are two water stops during Potted Sports to rest and refill bottles and children will have their water bottles with them throughout the whole day.

There will be extra tuck shop and drinks to purchase throughout the whole day so please bring money for your child/children and yourselves if you wish to do so. During the two water/rest stops during Potted Sports is when your child/children and yourselves can visit the tuck shop and the tuck shop will be open all afternoon on the top pitch during the Competitive Races.


Timings for the day:


  • Nursery

All nursery children are invited to their morning Potted Sports for 9am. All children in nursery that day to arrive like normal, parents/carers to sign in after dropping off at the office. Any child not in nursery that morning to arrive at the office with parents/carers at 8.50am onwards to sign in.

  • Reception- Year 6 (including Rainbows)

Can all parents/carers start arriving to school from 10.15am onwards and we aim to start around 10.30am. Please wait on the main playground to follow your child to their first activity which will either be on the top pitch or main playground.

As a staff team we carefully plan the groupings for the day and have a few factors to consider when doing so. We will always try our absolute best to place siblings/families in the same area as each other please do not change/ move your child from the team they have been placed into please.

 When all the activities have been completed all children will come back to the main playground and sit in their year groups. Please give the class teachers time and space to make sure that all children have returned to them. The classes will then go back into their classrooms and prepare for lunch. All parents/carers will then have a little time to yourselves before rejoining us for the Competitive Races in the afternoon. We do require all parents/carers to leave the school premises over lunch time please.


  • Nursery

All nursery children are invited for Competitive Races. Children in school that afternoon will make their way to the top pitch from 12.30pm. Any child not in nursery that afternoon will need to make their way to the top pitch with their parent/carer from 12.30pm.

  • Reception, Year 1 and Year 4- Competitive Races start from 1pm
  • Year 3 and Year 5- Competitive Races start from 1.45pm
  • Year 2 and Year 6- Competitive Races start from 2.15pm


 During the Competitive Races, no child will be able to leave their class to visit their families. Please support keeping your child safe by not encouraging your child/children to do so. Thank you in advance!

 All children to remain with the class teachers until all the children in their race time slot have finished. Children can then be signed out from the class teacher to parent/carer to either go home or stay and watch siblings, friends, and family.

 Any questions please ask your class teachers, if they are unsure, they will request that you ask Miss Keetch, which can be done by visiting my classroom door at the end of the day or telephoning the office.



 Miss Keetch

Springbank Academy is a member of The White Hills Park Trust, a company registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 08195720  |  Tel: 01159168900  |  Web:
Registered Office: Bramcote College, Moor Lane, Bramcote, Nottinghamshire, NG9 3GA
